The EGAME: an engine of genius, a model of excellence

The UNAC bulldozer: a skilful weapon


UNAC's Egame is a machine well suited to the engineer's motto
“sometimes destroy, often build, always serve”

The EGAME (Engin du Genie d'Amenagement) is a multi-purpose all-terrain vehicle for the armed forces, designed for deployment missions such as earthmoving, snow clearing and urban clearance.

A 4-wheel drive and steering vehicle, powered by a 253hp CATERPILLAR diesel engine, mounted on a high-strength steel chassis.
The cab offers different protection configurations, with removable armor and optimal visibility.

The machine can be fitted with a variety of tools, including a snow bow, a snow blower, and a matting system to improve trafficability during beach landing.
Its robust 3m-wide blade and winch make clearing and clearing barricades easy.
Ideal for mobility, counter-mobility and protection missions. Air-transportable, it can operate in difficult conditions (water, sand, mud, extreme temperatures).
Its small footprint and tight turning radius enable it to navigate efficiently in urban environments.
The EGAME is a strategic tool for supporting military forces, as well as for public assistance and emergency deployment missions, and is also deployed with the GBGM (Groupement Blinde de la Gendarmerie Mobile) at Satory.


A multi-material scale model


This is the result of the meticulous precision and expertise of Promodels.
As usual in the Gaso.line range, the kit benefits from the expertise of a professional team, from development to finishing of your model.
Materials: resin, photo-cutting, 3D printing, flexible rubber


Whatever the scale, we always deliver the same high quality, and this image proves it with the 1/48th scale model and its little brother in 1/87th scale.
Naturally, we've kept some of the components in the photo-cut metal, to ensure that certain fragile parts are as thin (and strong!) as possible, and would be too brittle in 3D printing.


This is the result of the meticulous precision and expertise of Promodels.
As usual in the Gaso.line range, the kit benefits from the expertise of a team of professionals, from development to finishing of your model.

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