Our customers' models

November 6, 2022

In our series, our customers have talent, here's Erlend Janson with his M113 Zelda Chatap.


M113 Zelda model in 1/48 scale

Here's what our customers are able to do with our models, and the photos below speak for themselves

A model is also a story!

M-113 IDF maquette Gaso.line

Naturally, each layout artist has his or her own touch, and the same layout can give a very different look, but the quality of the basic kit is still important to create a quality layout.
Quality basic kit
Mock-up means reproducing an existing model, but it also means knowing its full context, so that we know what we're working on and can make the most of it.

Our expertise covers a wide range of fields, with the quality we aim to offer our customers as our top priority

The right materials for the right job

Find all our models in our store www.promodels.eu