Leoclerc E-MBT

June 18, 2019

E-MBT Leoclerc European battle tank

Leclerc + Leopard = E-MBT
Promodels always looking for original subjects and novelties, could not miss the E-MBT of KNDS stand.
Having already Leopard and Leclerc to his catalog, the temptation was too strong to make a prototype of this European Main Battle Tank seen at Eurosatory.

A never-before-seen model of the Euro MBT Leopard Leclerc tank

Naturally, as usual, the worry of the details is always present and all the modifications of a Leopard 2 A7 case have been made on this miniature.
Euro Main Battle Tank mock up
Model E-MBT Leoclerc
Model Leoclerc KNDS E-MBT